Goodbye Kiel, hello Thor Heyerdahl

So much has happened since we set sail and left the harbour in Kiel! We might have only been underway for four days, but it feels like more than a week. Our journey started after an emotional goodbye. Our friends and families joined us and we received our last gifts. Bands were playing, speeches were held and some tears were shed. But our new home, the Thor Heyerdahl, already called for our attention. We set our first sails together and got a glimpse of what is to come. However, there was not much wind as we passed through the Kiel Canal and we are now waiting for bad weather to pass before we can continue our journey. To use our time wisely, we are kept busy with many different tasks and have lot to prepare.

Every day we learn so much about sailing and life on board. I have already learned how to set and pack sails, and the five most important knots which are: carrick bend, bowline hitch knot, eight knot, sheet bend and slip bend. Additionally, we had a lesson from our captain about the history and facts about Thor Heyerdahl. The most important preparation that we had was safety training. The first manoeuver prepared us for the case of fire on board and the second one taught us what to do if we ever have to abandon the ship in an emergency. I was surprised that the cookies the liferafts are equipped with are actually pretty good.

As a group, we have gotten closer and have learned so much more about each other. We shared our excitement of finally moving into our cabins and decorating our beds. Together, we have the will to continue our journey and to finally leave our mooring place in Brunsbüttel. I really enjoy the atmosphere and friendships we have created already.