Kategorie: English Blog Posts (151 Ergebnisse)
Building a house
First of all: Thanks for all donations (12 000 Euro), that made the project possible. After working at the ship and doing a break at land, the land-program was supposed to start. My group (group 1) was the first to… mehr lesen
Some different days on Dominica
Nine days lasts our stay on Dominica. Divided into small groups, we helped three days to rebuild a house, which was destroyed by hurricane Maria a few years ago. For three days we were on the Thor doing ship work… mehr lesen
Hiking with a difference
It was the 1st February and our hiking trip was just about to start on the national trail Waitukubuli. I was thinking, that it is going to be a normal hiking tour of three days, where we hike with a… mehr lesen
A dream of land
It was the 21th of January 1 pm 7 minutes and 24 seconds, that I saw a dream of land for the first time. Out of the turquoise deepness emerged a shadow. A mere reflection, an escaped thought, even lighter… mehr lesen
Imagine you are standing one night behind the rudder on the end of a fifty-meters-ship which you are driving alone in this moment. You are starring alternately on the big illuminated compass in front of you and on the dark… mehr lesen
Visions of land vanishing
Pour Mamie Cussonneau parce que c’est son anniversaire It was yesterday, the 6th of January, at 7:24 am and 26 seconds, that I saw the vision of vanishing land for the last time.In the distance we were seeing, the Pico… mehr lesen
A volcanic experience
The time between the years we spent on the island of Fogo. Once, the whole island was a giant volcano, so everything is volcanic material. For our geography teacher it was a paradise because she could show us many things… mehr lesen
The Pauls Valley
In the last couple of days, we were exploring the island of Santo Antão by hiking in the mountains and at the coastline. For this journey, we got separated into three groups with 13 persons each. Our guide “Mr. PP”… mehr lesen
Waking up and thinking: Wow, today is a very special day, is just awesome. Today is Christmas!! Well, it feels not like this day. Christmas and hot? I couldn’t imagine that the two things can come together. This year everything… mehr lesen
Walking. Something we do every day; something that happens that you don’t really have to think about; something that is just completely normal. Walking. For me walking is just a way to get from a point A to a point… mehr lesen