Kategorie: English Blog Posts (151 Ergebnisse)
Island contemplation
I am lying in my hammock which I put up between two palm trees. The palm trees’ leaves are above me and well visible against the light of the stars. They are playing in the wind, their rustling sounds remind… mehr lesen
A different type of Christmas
The celebration of Christmas on our ship was way different from what we are all used to when we celebrate with our families. However, in every family, there are traditions and activities that make this time of the year special… mehr lesen
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the KUSis sleep tonight
Have you ever searched for an opportunity to ride a rollercoaster without standing in line for at least an hour? That is what we experienced on our bus ride in Dominica! After crossing the Atlantic ocean and celebrating our arrival… mehr lesen
Classes on board – Where worksheets learn how to swim
Have you ever been in class and suddenly a wave rushes in so hardly that the bench you are sitting on falls over and your clothes get completely soaked by salt water? I do not think so. But as a… mehr lesen
The world’s freshest sushi
When I think of fishing, I think old men sitting by a lake, holding their fishing rods, calmly waiting for fish. Knowing that fishing could be a possibility on our trip, especially the aspect of waiting seemed rather bizarre to… mehr lesen
Cleaning the ship
As you know, there are 50 people on board and maybe you can imagine that they produce a lot of chaos and dirt on a daily basis. That is why we have to clean our beautiful ship every day. But… mehr lesen
New stage, new routines
After a few very exciting days in Tenerife, we have started our next stage to Dominica. A new stage means a new cabin and a new watch. Now I live in cabin one, with five other students, and I am… mehr lesen
Preparations for the big crossing
After a great stay in Santa Cruz and exhausting first weeks, we were all excited to cross the Atlantic Ocean. However, in order to be ready, we had to prepare well. Once we start crossing, we will be far away… mehr lesen
Exploring an island 2000 miles away
I should start to fish warmer clothes out of the corners of my wardrobe. Wardrobe? I nearly forgot, mine is over 2000 sea miles away. We left it behind just like the bad weather before Cap Finisterre. And in contrast… mehr lesen
The Sound of Silence
10th November 2023 on the Thor Heyerdahl. 09:30 am, waking up after restful six hours of sleep: “Moritz! Moritz! Wake up! It’s 09:30, breakfast is ready and the sun is shining. And if we are lucky, they turn off the… mehr lesen