Kategorie: English Blog Posts (151 Ergebnisse)
Nowhere.Nowhere is somewhere.But how can nowhere be somewhere if nowhere is nowhere? Nowhere.Nowhere in the middle of the ocean.Nowhere to be found.Nowhere between the wind and the waves,Just a little ship somewhere in the middle of nowhere.Nowhere to be found.Nowhere… mehr lesen
Engineer and ship hand-over
The second ship hand-over is the special hand-over: Because of the Bermuda-Triangle the electronic navigation doesn’t work – that’s the story. If you want to say it clearly, we must navigate astronomically. That’s why the mate position is very popular… mehr lesen
Roofs as white as snow
…that must be Bermuda. It’s 04:30 a.m., Anton stands at my berth and wakes me up for my watch. When I get on deck, I can already see the lights of Bermuda very clearly in spite of the darkness and… mehr lesen
Ship hand over in rough conditions?
After getting over a new wave of – luckily only light sea sickness – our preparations for the planned ship hand-over started in various areas including the practicing of astronomic navigation, learning needed skills for the boatswain or doing several… mehr lesen
Reefing the sails in preparation for stormy weather
Right after we had finished our weekly project meetings on Friday the 16th our sailing crew went around asking for students that could help them. We all try to use every opportunity to learn even more about sailing on a… mehr lesen
Goodbye Cuba
That’s what we all had to say a couple of days ago when we left Havana. It wasn’t easy to say goodbye to this island, that is so different from what we are used to, but also so beautiful with… mehr lesen
Havana through the eyes of a tourist
We came to Havana via a 200 km long bike tour across the country, which included several, stops: Viñales, where we visited a tobacco plantation and a dance course, learning how to dance Salsa. In Pinar del Río we visited… mehr lesen
Swimcall on Thor Heyerdahl
From Panama to Kuba! They are our two longest stops ashore on this voyage and we are currently in between them. It took us 8 days from Panama to Kuba and it was a time full of winds from the… mehr lesen
Panama – The trip of a bag pack
Hi everyone there! I’m a bag pack. Moreover, I’m Zoes bag pack and I was on a trip through Panama with her and the other KUSis. It was very exciting. Our first stop was Miguel’s Camp in the middle on… mehr lesen
An unforgettable last day of 2023
The sound of the waves crashing against the reef in the distance, a slight wind rustling through various palm trees, the comfortable feeling of waking up after sleeping in hammocks under a perfectly clear sky – this is how all… mehr lesen