Kategorie: English Blog Posts (155 Ergebnisse)
210 kilometres of experience
On the 30th of January, I stand at the railing of the Thor. It’s our last night here for the next weeks as tomorrow we will start our tour through Cuba. Some hours ago, we brought our bikes on land… mehr lesen
Students in charge
Usually, when a group of teenagers goes on a trip in school or together with a club, adults manage all the organization. Here at KUS, we have the “Tagesprojektleitung” (the “project managers of the day”) for that. The idea behind… mehr lesen
Welcome to the Jungle
When you’re looking around, you can only see trees, bushes, rivers, waterfalls and sometimes, with a lot of luck, animals. It’s a feeling you’ll never forget because that’s the moment when you realise you are in the jungle! Every plant… mehr lesen
Guna – A colourful tribe
Colourful long skirts, artistic birds or other animals and entangled patterns in hundreds of layers of different material and colour on their blouses. That’s how the Guna women came towards our ship: in their traditional costume. Some also had red… mehr lesen
Exploring under the Caribbean sun – our stay in Grenada
It was a rainy Wednesday morning when I came on deck because of signal K. All of us were so excited – in a few minutes we would arrive in the Grenadian harbour. When the ship finally lay in the… mehr lesen
Christmas – Different and unique
Christmas is a festivity you celebrate with your family. Even if every family has its own traditions, we all usually celebrate Christmas in a similar way. Shops start to sell Christmas decoration months before, the weather becomes colder and colder… mehr lesen
The best medicine
Imagine you are 15 or 16 years old and are living for six months on a big tall ship. Your journey started nearly two months ago and a few days ago you have finished your first crossing of the Atlantic… mehr lesen
The Caribbean – we have finally arrived
Arriving – what does that mean? What does it mean to arrive in a new world after spending three weeks at sea? To see land again after three weeks at sea? What does arriving mean for us – as sailors?… mehr lesen
Sleeping under stars
We have just finished our really nice crossing of the Atlantic. Since we left Santa Cruz de Tenerife, we have had good winds and most of the time we have had basically every sail set. Unfortunately, in the last one… mehr lesen
School next to the blue ocean
The sound of the ocean, water on the floor and the warm sun in my face. I am sitting on the main deck and we have our first lesson at sea. I can hear the sound of the wind while… mehr lesen