Kategorie: English Blog Posts (155 Ergebnisse)
Havana through the eyes of a tourist
We came to Havana via a 200 km long bike tour across the country, which included several, stops: Viñales, where we visited a tobacco plantation and a dance course, learning how to dance Salsa. In Pinar del Río we visited… mehr lesen
Swimcall on Thor Heyerdahl
From Panama to Kuba! They are our two longest stops ashore on this voyage and we are currently in between them. It took us 8 days from Panama to Kuba and it was a time full of winds from the… mehr lesen
Panama – The trip of a bag pack
Hi everyone there! I’m a bag pack. Moreover, I’m Zoes bag pack and I was on a trip through Panama with her and the other KUSis. It was very exciting. Our first stop was Miguel’s Camp in the middle on… mehr lesen
An unforgettable last day of 2023
The sound of the waves crashing against the reef in the distance, a slight wind rustling through various palm trees, the comfortable feeling of waking up after sleeping in hammocks under a perfectly clear sky – this is how all… mehr lesen
Island contemplation
I am lying in my hammock which I put up between two palm trees. The palm trees’ leaves are above me and well visible against the light of the stars. They are playing in the wind, their rustling sounds remind… mehr lesen
A different type of Christmas
The celebration of Christmas on our ship was way different from what we are all used to when we celebrate with our families. However, in every family, there are traditions and activities that make this time of the year special… mehr lesen
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the KUSis sleep tonight
Have you ever searched for an opportunity to ride a rollercoaster without standing in line for at least an hour? That is what we experienced on our bus ride in Dominica! After crossing the Atlantic ocean and celebrating our arrival… mehr lesen
Classes on board – Where worksheets learn how to swim
Have you ever been in class and suddenly a wave rushes in so hardly that the bench you are sitting on falls over and your clothes get completely soaked by salt water? I do not think so. But as a… mehr lesen
The world’s freshest sushi
When I think of fishing, I think old men sitting by a lake, holding their fishing rods, calmly waiting for fish. Knowing that fishing could be a possibility on our trip, especially the aspect of waiting seemed rather bizarre to… mehr lesen
Cleaning the ship
As you know, there are 50 people on board and maybe you can imagine that they produce a lot of chaos and dirt on a daily basis. That is why we have to clean our beautiful ship every day. But… mehr lesen